Meritorious Flash Disk

Each;every finishing to conduct the work of data computer will be put in flopy disk of the size 5 inchi as data depositor, according to era growth hence born the flopy disk with the capacities 1,4 M. data pittance which can be kept by then. nowadays born the Flash disk by various type and its size measure, from 128 M, 256 M, 512 M, up to 1 G.

After created by no more flashdisk is which difficulty for the menyimpan of big data. the data can be in the form of the sofware, draw the, song , film, document etc.

Way of connecting Flash disk to computer by including the flash disk to port USB (Universal Serial Bus) which have been made available in computer, usually provided to minimize 2 port.. If using Windows XP hence automatically the Flash disk will be recognized. if using windows 98 or windows 9x usually driver Flash have to beforehand in install